November flowers and wildlife

Towards the end of November, everything is growing well and some plants have come into flower. Notably: our first Anigozanthus flavidus has flowered. I love these, especially when massed. I was surprised this one flowered in it’s first year, so I’m hopeful others might be coming through too.

Anigozanthus flavidus, common name: Kangaroo Paw. Stunning.
Anigozanthus flavidus, common name: Kangaroo Paw. Stunning.

Verticordia densiflora is flowering too. This is a small shrub that is native to this region. The shrub is still pretty small and has the most amazing floral display. I can’t wait to see this display as the shrub grows, it’s going to be incredible, especially if it’s kept quite dense through pruning.

Verticordia densiflora. A small shrub, native to South Western Australia.
Verticordia densiflora. A small shrub, native to South Western Australia.
Verticordia densiflora, detail of the flower.
Verticordia densiflora, detail of the flower.
Verticordia densiflora detail of the flower.
Verticordia densiflora, even more detail of the flower.

Finally, on a different note I caught this insect (I assume it’s a wasp) basking in the morning sun on a melaleuca incana. It was pretty sluggish, so I had time to get a picture of it…

Wasp on a melaleuca incana.
Wasp (?) on a melaleuca incana.