Plans and maps of the garden

The plans are “bubble diagrams” (I got that from reading too many garden design books) and show the overall gist of the garden and try to highlight some of the main “vistas”…apparently designing the garden to provide vistas is Important. These are on tracing paper and overlay the maps below, an effect which doesn’t work well on a blog, but provides me with hours of entertainment at home.

A plan of our back garden.
A plan of our back garden. Four reasonably big trees provide the framework for the garden with layers of small to medium to large shrubs hopefully creating a bowl/amphitheatre like effect. I say “hopefully” because everything is so small it just looks flat at the moment.
A plan of our front garden
A plan of our front garden showing the four big established trees (and one exotic shrub) in orange. Two are native (Agonis Felxuosa) and two are exotics (Palms – destined for the chop). The roadside verge is all low shrubs with a medium/large shrub screen towards the house and along the fence line.

The maps, on the other hand, show exactly what is planted where. They look a bit stained because they spend quite a bit of time in the garden and my hands always seem to be grubby!

Map of the front garden.
Map of the front garden. A bit messy looking because some things have died and some new plants have been added. “AF” = anigozanthus flavidus and “HP” = hemiandra pungens.
Map of the back garden
Map of the back garden. Tidier because I had to redraw it as the original was so crossed and scratched and added to it was illegible even to me. Reasonably accurate, although there’s been a few more deaths since this revision.

And here are some recent photos:

The back garden from the drive. Looking towards the Banksia Grandis (faint green blob in the distance!)
The back garden from the drive. Looking towards the Banksia Grandis (faint green blob in the distance…come back in five years…)
Back garden from the fence line. Not one of the Garden Design (TM) approved Vistas, but still...
Back garden from the fence line. Not one of the Garden Design (TM) approved Vistas, but still…
Front garden from the drive.
Front garden from the drive.
Front verge from the drive.
Front verge from the drive.